2011 Gamma Scholarship Recipient - Julie Miller

College and Chapter: University of Wisconsin Whitewater, Epsilon Kappa Chapter
Year in School: Junior
Current Chapter Office: Historian
Major: Early Childhood Duel Licensure Program: Early Childhood and Special Education

How will the Gamma Scholarship help you during the upcoming academic year? The Gamma Scholarship is going to help me tremendously in the next upcoming year. As a college student, I have a great deal of payments to worry about and thanks to the Twin Cities Alumni there will be one less. I truly appreciate the opportunities this will bring and hope to prove myself worthy of such an honor in my final years as an active member of Delta Zeta.

How do you hope to contribute to your chapter in the year ahead?  My hope is to bring my position as historian to a new level and renew some of our forgotten local traditions. I feel as if I know the ins and outs of Epsilon Kappa and hope that I can use the wisdom that I've gained with age to help some of our new members on the rise get their bearings. In my graduating year I want what every Greek senior wants, to leave a lasting mark on their chapter.


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